Ancient knowledge about leadership

Last post about “Different views on leadership” discussed the differences between Western and Eastern leadership views. In searching for those dissimilarities I came across text from Spring and Autumn – Warring States, chapter Yao Yue describing discussion between Confucius and his apprentice Zi Zhang. Discussion is obviously focused on a leadership principles and attitudes: Zi Zhang…

Learning Leadership from Martial Arts – I

The central blog question is: “How to successfully lead a group of people coming from different cultural backgrounds?” Today we are facing important and challenging (new) factors in leadership and management: different languages, time zones, channels/modes of communication, physical distance, and consequently a large and variable mixture of cultural factors. All these factors influence work…

Leadership By Virtue ~ book trailer

Blurb of the book: Interwoven around the leadership process, corporate challenges and martial arts this book brings the reader along to “listen in” on the day to day developments, struggles and challenges. The reader is shown from a first-person perspective the internal refinement of a leadership process based on non-Western approach. The main character, brought…